
Copyright Frankfurt

Copyright Frankfurt
Frankfurt am Main - Germany Germany
Branding, Illustration, Typeface

Copyright means the rights of a work which belongs to someone. Copyright Frankfurt is a guide about the cliches (tourist attractions, food, etc.) that someone can find only in Frankfurt a.M and the hidden information from the past and from now, for those who are searching for something different.

The word "Frankfurt" on the logo is created with a combination of 2 typefaces. Futura and a handmade Blackletter. 2 different font families in one.

Futura was designed in 1925 (released in 1927) by Paul Renner in Frankfurt am Main as a contribution on the "New Frankfurt" project. Roman typefaces were rising in popularity for printed documents, when previously German Blackletter was the default style. As a way to hold on to German identity, the Germans pushed for the use of Blackletter typefaces over Roman.

Copyright Frankfurt
Copyright Frankfurt
Copyright Frankfurt
Copyright Frankfurt
Copyright Frankfurt
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